7 Invisible Obstacles to Digital Marketing Success
7 Invisible Obstacles to Digital Marketing Success
12 Steps to Create Videos

Day 36: Dealing with Overwhelm in Marketing. [Video]

Corporate Marketing Plan

Day 36: Dealing with Overwhelm in Marketing.


Welcome to ‘From Zero to Marketing Hero: My 365-Day Challenge’ — In today’s episode, I explore the feeling of overwhelm and stress as I navigate through creating a marketing plan and figuring out my next steps. This solo show captures my raw and honest reflections on what it’s like to tackle these challenges head-on.

In This Episode, I Discuss:

Feeling overwhelmed: I share my experience of diving into marketing research, taking short courses, and trying to create a monthly marketing plan. The overload of information and pressure to figure out the best approach has led to feelings of stress and confusion.

Permission to Be Imperfect: I talk about giving myself permission to not have a perfect plan, and the importance of starting with a “grade one” marketing plan for May. This approach allows me to focus on taking action without getting bogged down by overthinking.

Coping with Distractions: I discuss the challenges of dealing with distractions and rabbit holes when exploring new marketing strategies. The constant bombardment of advice, offers, and conflicting information can easily lead to overwhelm and loss of focus.

Staying on Track: I outline my strategies for regaining focus and resisting distractions, emphasising the need to keep things simple and focus on a few key areas that will move the needle forward.

If you’re experiencing similar feelings of overwhelm or stress in your marketing journey, I’d love to hear from you. Share your thoughts, advice, or personal stories with me. You can also join our community on Facebook to continue the conversation: https://www.facebook.com/groups/zerotomarketinghero.

Thank you for tuning in to “Day 36: Dealing with Overwhelm in Marketing.” Your support and feedback are what keep this journey going. If you enjoyed this episode, please consider subscribing and sharing it with someone who might find it helpful. See you in the next episode!

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