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2024 AIDS Walk Ohio in downtown Columbus [Video]

Corporate Social Marketing

This year’s event raised nearly $200,000 to help fund AIDS prevention and treatment in central Ohio.

COLUMBUS, Ohio — AIDS Walk Ohio stepped off Saturday morning in Genoa Park. 

It’s one of the biggest events of the year for Equitas Health, and this year, the walk raised nearly $200,000 to help fund AIDS prevention and treatment in central Ohio. 

Started in the late 1980s, the walk not only brings in funding for Equitas, but it is an event to help educate the public and share crucial, lifesaving information.

“With this level of community participation, corporate sponsorship, [and] corporate participation, we’re so excited about what the future is for Ohio when we talk about HIV and AIDS prevention and education,” said Rob DuVall, director of events for Equitas Health. “We just couldn’t be more grateful.”

Helping to kick off the event was special guest Jujubee from Ru Paul’s Drag Race as well as the Black Pearls Dance Troop. The pre-walk festivities also saw longtime …

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