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You need to listen to this if you just started posting content. [Video]

Corporate Marketing Strategy

You need to listen to this if you just started posting content.

It is must you block out external noise from irrelevant sources critiquing your content. If you actually want to improve your content and a certain metric, whether it’s quality, ideas, niche related subject or performance. It is crucial you take in advice from other creators or people who are doing something similar.

It is good to take general feedback, but I don’t recommend you put it as priority as the feedback you get from other creators will be different.

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I emphasize the importance of being active on social media today. I advise even the simplest online presence, like a quick 15-second video monthly, can significantly benefit your business, especially with the current rapid digital and social transformations. I compare the urgency of engaging in social media now to the foresight of investing in Bitcoin a decade ago, highlighting its potential future necessity.

I outline a strategy for individuals or businesses new to content creation. I suggest starting with basic tools like an iPhone, emphasizing that initial content doesn’t need to be high-quality or professionally produced unless you’re in certain professions like law or medicine. The focus should be on creating valuable content consistently to build a solid online presence. I mention creating ‘sales assets,’ content specifically tailored to attract and educate your target audience, which doesn’t need to go viral but should serve to establish credibility and attract specific customers.

Further into the strategy, I stress the importance of targeted advertising on platforms like Instagram and Facebook, utilizing their advanced algorithms to reach potential clients effectively. I advise continuously improving content quality and maintaining an active online presence, even when business is booming, to keep building the brand and engaging with the audience.

Finally, I encourage viewers to subscribe to my newsletter for exclusive insights and offer personal consultations, reinforcing the importance of direct engagement and tailored advice in the digital age. I conclude by acknowledging the impromptu nature of the video, emphasizing the practical advice shared, tailored for entrepreneurs and business owners looking to leverage social media effectively.

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