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How Desire Paths can Transform your Branding and Public Relations
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Write better, sell more [Video]

Corporate Marketing Ideas

Write better, sell more #healthinsurance

A #healthinsuranceagent can’t get by on sales skills alone. You’ll need to do a bit of marketing to open doors and maintain relationships. Spend some time with our marketing team and master six rules to boost responses to emails, social media, and other written media.

00:00 Introduction
03:33 Defining #copywriting
04:50 First rule of copywriting: Give people a reason to choose you
09:19 Second rule: It’s not about you
13:25 Third rule: Define your benefits, not your features
17:35 Fourth rule: Write a headline that converts
21:05 Fifth rule: Make your call-to-action count
23:08 Sixth rule: Beg, borrow, steal, and practice
29:31 Breaking down a cross-selling email
33:10 Breaking down a social media ad
36:43 Breaking down a hand-written note
43:15 Conclusion

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How to Market to Expensive Keywords
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