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What We Know and Don’t Know about Corporate Social Responsibility [Video]

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What We Know and Don’t Know about Corporate Social Responsibility

Deep Dive Podcast: What We Know and Don’t Know about Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is evolving rapidly, with opportunities for deeper integration across institutional, organizational, and individual levels. Here are five insights from a comprehensive review of the field:
1️⃣ A Need for Multilevel Integration: CSR research is often siloed into institutional, organizational, or individual levels, missing connections between these layers. A multilevel framework enables a better understanding of how policies and actions at one level influence outcomes at another.
2️⃣ Bridging the Micro-Macro Divide: Most CSR research focuses on macro-level phenomena, overlooking the microfoundations of individual and team behaviors. Exploring these microfoundations can provide critical insights into how CSR practices translate into measurable outcomes.
3️⃣ The Role of Mediators and Moderators: Relationships between CSR initiatives and outcomes are influenced by mediators like organizational culture and moderators like industry type. Understanding these mechanisms allows for more precise predictions and targeted CSR strategies.
4️⃣ Expanding Research to Underexplored Areas: There is a significant gap in studying CSR at the individual level, such as employee motivations and actions. Future research should focus on these micro-level dynamics to uncover how individuals drive organizational CSR efforts.
5️⃣ Toward Evidence-Based CSR Practices
Incorporating rigorous methodologies, such as longitudinal studies and meta-analyses, enhances the credibility of CSR findings. These approaches provide actionable insights for managers balancing social impact with business performance.

CSR is more than a buzzword—it’s a strategic imperative. How is your organization innovating in CSR?

Get article: Aguinis, H., & Glavas, A. 2012. What we know and don’t know about corporate social responsibility: A review and research agenda. Journal of Management, 38(4): 932-968. https://doi.org/10.1177/0149206311436079

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