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What are marketing Funnels? (not the way you’ve heard them before) [Video]

Corporate Marketing Strategy

What are marketing Funnels? (not the way you’ve heard them before)

Ever found yourself asking, “What are marketing funnels?” Let me break it down for you. Contrary to popular belief, marketing funnels don’t have to be complicated. In fact, simplifying your approach could significantly boost your conversion rates.

I’ll walk you through why relying solely on social media algorithms might be holding you back and how incorporating straightforward marketing funnels can make a world of difference. By shifting some of your social media followers to your email list, you can significantly boost engagement and conversions for your healing business.

I’ll share practical steps to help you implement effective marketing funnels, guiding you through each stage with clarity.


Dive into the Business Breakthrough Quiz:


✨FREE Resources to help you start and grow your healing or coaching business

Intuitive Pricing Guide:

Ultimate Pensight Store Setup Guide:

Facebook Group for Coaches, Healers & Creatives:

Community Circle (Free Monthly Networking Call for Coaches, Healers & Creatives):

Business Breakthrough Quiz:

✨PAID Resources for close mentorship and guidance

Intuitive Business Community (Monthly Membership Community):

Client Journey Design (2-week strategy intensive)

Intuitive Marketing Collective (Agency Support for Coaches and Healers):

✨Tech Affiliates & Referrals (I get a small commission if you choose to sign up, however it won’t cost you anything extra. I appreciate the support)

Snag your FREE account so you can run your entire online business all in one spot:

Try Pensight for free as your link in bio, scheduling or even video call software for free + get 40% off your first 2 months if you want any of the paid features:

Let me save you hundreds in legal fees…Protect your business without hiring an attorney with the Legal Protection Bundle by Artful Contracts:

Access the digital portal of self hypnosis audios I use daily to help you achieve massive business breakthroughs, fast track your growth and activate success in all areas of your life and business:


Let’s connect on socials:



#chelseafournier #marketingfunnels #healingbusiness

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