Corporate Marketing Strategy

Video marketing is conquering the internet, where’s the strategy? [Video]

87% of online marketers like you are currently using video content in their digital marketing strategy. This makes complete sense. Video is conquering the internet, more likely to engage website visitors, and generally consumers just prefer it to text.

But to really make video work for your brand, you need the right marketing and activation strategy planned at the outset. When so many brands are using video in the crowded marketplace, this becomes even more important.

Why is video marketing the right strategy?

The purpose of your video is a good place to start. Why do you need a brand film? There are many good reasons to add video to your marketing strategy, but you need to be clear of the marketing objectives for your particular brand campaign.

Do you want a short-term sales uplift?

Is it all about attracting new customers?

Are you looking to engage and build loyalty?

At the planning stage, identify what a successful results deck will look like when you present it to your …

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