Corporate Business Marketing

Universal Basic Income: Future of Work [Video]

Universal Basic Income: Future of Work

Universal basic income is coming, and all of our jobs are at serious risk. This isn’t a matter for debate.It’s happening.Technology has made us lazy and complacent, and as a result, humanity is at a crossroads. In the future, those who remain complacent won’t be able to exist in society. We are heading towards a society where complacency is not an option. To avoid being left behind, grow with AI by utilizing it to enhance your skills.

#FightComplacency #FutureSociety #RiseAbove #TechnologicalImpact #UniversalBasicIncome #StayAhead #AdaptOrDie #Innovation #ProfessionalDevelopment #AIImpact #optimum7 #duraninci #artificialintelligence

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