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Top 13 Creative Agency Ad Campaigns: Masterpieces of Advertising [Video]

Corporate Marketing Strategy

Do you want to know the secret to what makes a great ad campaign? Here goes: there isn’t one secret. There are no hard rules to follow, but numerous best practices that you can use as guidance.

You’ll often hear that ads need to be short. Though, brands like Fiat and Dove have delivered great results with much longer ads.

You also don’t necessarily need to blow your entire budget on getting a celebrity to become the face of your campaign. Sure, Steve Carrell is arguably what makes Pepsi’s ad so effective, but Fiat featured their very own CEO and it worked. Leveraging user-generated content (UGC) has also become one of the best marketing strategies as you’ll see.

Whether you’re trying to crack the code or will simply settle for feeling more inspired, here are 13 of the best creative ad campaigns brought to you by some of the leading creative agencies over the past three decades.

Top 13 Creative …

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