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The Surprising Similarity Between Don Draper and Cosmo Kramer [Video]

Corporate Marketing Campaigns

At first glance, Mad Men’s Don Draper and Seinfeld’s Cosmo Kramer are pretty much nothing alike. One is a slick advertising genius who wears fancy suits, drinks fine whiskey and works in the 1960s. The other is a hipster doofus who mooches off of his neighbor, and barely worked much at all throughout the 1990s.

But upon closer inspection, these two characters may not be so dissimilar after all. As writer and Mad Men fan Ben Crew recently pointed out on social media, Don Draper basically landed his first office job the same way Kramer did — by just randomly showing up one day.

Yup, Don only started working at Sterling-Cooper because he pretended like he had been hired — although he did go the extra mile and make sure to get Roger Sterling nice and drunk the night before. 

In the case of Kramer, he accidentally stumbled into a corporate position while using an office bathroom, …

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