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The Power of Video In Marketing

Corporate Marketing Strategy

Did you know that goldfish now place ahead of humans when it comes to attention spans? According to a study, our ability to pay attention has drastically diminished over the years, placing even more pressure on marketers to grab and sustain prospective customers’ attention long enough to make an impression and maybe even get them to take action. This is why video marketing is so powerful.

Let’s explore why the human brain loves video and examine some examples of good video marketing, including some of our own. Don’t worry: We’ve broken it all down into bite-sized chunks that you can digest and incorporate into your own video marketing strategy.

Still with me? Let’s get going before one of us loses focus!

The Power of Video Marketing

A picture says a thousand words, but video says even more. At Kuno, we’ve observed that emails and social posts with video outperform those without. While you don’t want to …

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