Corporate Identity

The Open has a new “brand identity,” but don’t worry, it’s still a golf tournament | Golf News and Tour Information [Video]

R&A officials unveiled a new logo Tuesday for The Open, although they’re really calling it a “brand identity.” What’s the difference between the two? A brand identity is more than just a logo. Regardless, we like the new logo …er, brand identity, and that’s what matters.

Here’s a picture, courtesy of the R&A.

And in case you forgot, here’s a picture of the old logo:

Along with it, the R&A released this new video that’s intended to get you fired up for St. Andrews in eight months. It does, even if it’s a tad on the heavy-handed side. For instance, there’s this line:

“There is the landscape, and always a seascape, a sculpted coastline — teasing, challenging. The same for one and all.”

Right. Couldn’t agree more.

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