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State of Origin 2024: Its taken three years, but Latrell Mitchell is back [Video]


Want to know the best way to understand the modern day rugby league player? Instagram.

Figure out The Gram, figure out what makes them tick.

Shortly after Latrell Mitchell elbowed Shaun Johnson in the head and South Sydney shoved their coach Jason Demetriou out the door, the NRL’s most polarising player thumbed his way onto the social media behemoth. It’s nothing new; Mitchell is a habitual poster about family, footy, golf, business, his people.

But there was also another subtle change which told you all you need to know about Latrell 2.0. His bio, probably not even in jest, always used to read: part-time footy player, full-time farmer.

While sitting idle through suspension, Mitchell returned a new man with a new Instagram bio: full-time footy player, part-time farmer.

And what a footy player when it’s his full-time …

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