Corporate Finance

Sonoma County Library hosts free school backpack event [Video]

Seven-year-old Henry Wollman counted out 11 “Otto Bucks” in the Sonoma Valley Library, paying for his new school supplies.

The faux money was handed to Henry when he entered the library for the second annual Money Smart: School Supplies Store event. The interactive giveaway addresses the need for free school supplies while teaching students K-12 about financial literacy.

Each of the seven Sonoma County libraries are giving out 115 sets of backpacks this week and supplies to “sell” with the Otto Bucks — bright green paper bills with the Sonoma County mascot, Otto, printed on the front.

Students who attend are given $40 in Otto Bucks, and a receipt, where they cross off the items they’ve bought.

“I hope that he learned the value of a dollar here,” said Henry’s mother Jill Wollman, as he carefully counted out 11 Otto Bucks at the cashier’s stand for a ruler, pocket folder, …

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