Corporate Business Marketing

Social media is bad for your kids | Sheneman [Video]

Is this it? Is social media finally in line for a long overdue reckoning? Only believe it when you see it.

As Big Tech blossomed into existence and quickly made a business out of monetizing rage, teen depression, and your personal information, Congress adopted a new tradition. Every six months or so they like to wrangle all the pertinent tech bros in a hearing room and publicly flog them for their transgressions. Then the assorted CEOs promise to do better and work with Congress to draft commonsense regulation.

When the hearings are over, the tech lobbyists ply their trade, nothing of substance happens, and we lather, rinse and repeat.

But over the past year or so, the needle has started to move in the other direction.

The evidence of social media’s effect on our mushy brains is already pretty damning, and it’s starting to pile up, especially when it comes …

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