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Social Media for Businesses | iAM Learning course trailer [Video]

Corporate Marketing Campaigns

Social Media for Businesses | iAM Learning course trailer

Studies show that digital advertising has finally overtaken traditional advertising like radio, TV, print, and outdoor. One of the biggest drivers of this shift is the power of social media, but businesses use social media for more than just advertising. Being active on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter can help a brand build a reputation as well as an audience. Not only that, it offers new channels of communication both for serving and engaging customers.

None of this happens without putting in the work, however. If a business wants to make the most of the opportunities presented by social media, it must have a clear strategy to follow, and it needs to invest time, money, and effort. It’s no good sharing content unless that content is interesting, exciting, amusing, or relevant.

By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:
– Identify the best social-media channels for your organisation to reach its target audience
– Describe the benefits a business can get from using social media
– Curate your content to increase brand awareness and customer engagement

Why take this course?

Just about every business has some kind of social-media presence these days. But many fail to appreciate the nuances of social-media culture, and this can cause their campaigns to misfire. Whether you’re looking to use social media to raise brand awareness, grow your audience, drive traffic to your website, or generate sales – this training will set you on the right path.

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