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Prioritizing security awareness training needs among a sea of other corporate training [Video]

Corporate Marketing

Prioritizing security awareness training needs among a sea of other corporate training

Security awareness training is sometimes viewed by management as “just another one of many corporate training programs.”

While it’s nice to be able to treat all corporate training efficiently, with similar workflows, security awareness has some important aspects that sometimes get lost when communicating with leadership.

In this live panel session, we explored questions such as:

1. How does management view security awareness, compared to other corporate training; and how should they view it?

2. What resources and planning differences are there for security awareness, that management should be briefed on and appreciate?

3. What after-actions from security awareness training are different from other corporate training programs?

These insights from our panel of security experts will help your team members be better able to better represent your security awareness planning and budgeting needs to management, to ensure a successful program.

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