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Plans to address racism in VB Kempsville High baseball program [Video]

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Coaches, activities sponsors and student-athletes were given professional development and/or education plans as part of “immediate steps,” a VBCPS statement says.

VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. — Virginia Beach City Public Schools (VBCPS) leaders are considering what’s next after finding several years of racism that existed within the varsity baseball program at Kempsville High School. 

Via a statement, VBCPS confirmed Wednesday that evidence of racism, hate speech and harassment was uncovered.

Due to federal law meant to protect the privacy of student education records and policy, administrators cannot comment on what specifically investigators found.

In a statement issued Thursday, they reiterated a zero-tolerance policy when it comes to those acts. 

“Kempsville High School has taken immediate steps to provide all coaches, activities sponsors and student-athletes with professional development and/or education plans that create a culturally responsive and inclusive team with an emphasis on VBCPS’ zero tolerance for racism, hate speech and harassment,” Thursday’s statement added in part. 

Moreover, a VBCPS spokesperson said …

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