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Owning $15,000 of SCHD & Why We Plan on Doubling It in 2024! [Video]

Corporate Finance

Owning $15,000 of SCHD & Why We Plan on Doubling It in 2024!

We crossed a big milestone with our SCHD position. Bert & His wife have been investing in SCHD EVERY SINGLE WEEK since 2023. They have been buying 4 shares every Monday since the end of November to expedite the growth of this position. Now, we own 200 shares of the dividend investing communities favorite dividend ETF.

In this video, we share:
1.) The size of the position
2.) Our Cost Basis & Overall Gain
3). The Annual Dividend Income Received
4.) Our New Dividend Income Goal This Year

The goal is to grow our passive income stream and reach financial freedom. Buying dividend stocks and ETFs consistently is a fantastic way to grow your dividend income. We have enjoyed buying shares every week and pushing ourselves to invest every dollar and make it count.

Now that we have reached 200 shares…we aren’t going to stop. We want to make sure we are receiving at least $1,000 in annual dividend income from everyone’s favorite dividend ETF.

We can’t wait to hear your thoughts and feedback for this video! Let me know if you would double my SCHD position if you were me!

Reference items:
►Fundrise – Dividend Diplomats Use this for Real Estate Investing:
►Dividend Diplomats Stock Portfolios:
►Dividend Diplomats Blog:

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As always, we recommend conducting your own research to make your own decisions.

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