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Our Evolution Using AI Technology [Video]

Corporate Marketing Strategy

Regarding the evolution of AI technology, no technological tool has made a more enormous impact in the shortest amount of time than ChatGPT. And I don’t think anyone expected ChatGPT to cause as much furor, good and bad, as it has.

Fundamental questions about content authenticity, whether ChatGPT will take people’s jobs, and ethical use came to light. A Statista survey from May 2023 reflected this, as 72.5% of UK adults believed brands should always disclose when they create generative AI content. However, as has always been the case, we let data from in-depth tests help answer concerns.

As soon as ChatGPT launched, our creative team investigated whether ChatGPT has a place in content production. Following this experiment, our paid social and programmatic team wanted to see if ChatGPT could create documents for more practical reasons.

While each test analysed distinct aspects of ChatGPT, both delivered similar results. In short, digital marketers can use ChatGPT for creative and practical tasks. It’s suitable for ideation and …

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