Corporate Marketing Strategy

Notary Business Marketing Mini Vlog (this is how I get calls every day) [Video]

Notary Business Marketing Mini Vlog (this is how I get calls every day)

Marketing can be intimidating but we have to be able to step out of our comfort zones for the sake of our business’ life! 😅

If we don’t have a way to let people know about our service or product, how will we ever get anyone to become a paying customer? 🧐

I don’t like to wait around for things to happen. I like to make things happen!

The Google Business page is great! But I also want more calls 😅📲

So, instead of waiting for Google and the internet to do its thing in due time to my updates and optimizing strategies, I go out and make sure my locals know I’m the local notary and to use my services 😊👍

Yes, some people will throw these away but that’s why I make these cheap copies 😂

It’s just a way to get your business name out there, and if we don’t have the funds to market in bigger ways then I have to do other things that I can afford.

God has given us all the tools to succeed. And I truly believe that. 🙏✨

The Bible tells us “And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus” in Philippians 4:19 💗

Use what you have friends 🙌

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