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No, an Oregon homebuyer grant program is not excluding citizens [Video]

The claim was printed on a flyer from Hacienda CDC, but the organization said it was an error introduced by an outside consultant.

PORTLAND, Ore. — Screenshots of flyer purportedly advertising $30,000 grants for first-time homebuyers from Oregon-based Hacienda Community Development Corp has been circulating online in recent days, with many social media users and multiple news outlets drawing attention to a bullet point stating that the grants are “only for people who are not American citizens.”

Much of the discussion has involved questions or critical comments about the legality or appropriateness of such a restriction, particularly because the program is funded by a grant from Business Oregon, a state government agency tasked with promoting economic and community development.


Does Hacienda run a $30,000 down payment assistance program that excludes American citizens, as stated in a flyer from the organization?



No, Hacienda’s program does not exclude American citizens. The …

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