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New Hampshire files lawsuit against TikTok [Video]

The State of New Hampshire is suing social media platform TikTok for allegedly violating the state’s consumer protection statute and other laws.Attorney General John Formella announced the lawsuit on Tuesday, saying it is the latest effort by state leaders to address the harms posed to children by “addictive” social media platforms. The suit alleges that the parent company of TikTok, ByteDance, has engaged in “unfair and deceptive acts or practices” that violate state law. Those claims include concerns over what Formella calls addictive features that target children and can lead to overuse as well as create problems with depression, anxiety and social isolation. The suit claims that TikTok knew about the harmful nature of these features but downplayed the negative effects in pursuit of monetary gain.The suit also accuses TikTok of collecting personal data from children under the age of 13 without disclosure or parental consent.In addition to penalties and …

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