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Networking Tips – Listen to the Questions [Video]

Corporate Marketing Plan

Networking Tips – Listen to the Questions

Listen to all the questions.

Time and time again, I hear people struggling around the idea of having to generate content for their business. And I get it!

When I started on my content journey, I hadn’t a clue about how to find content. But I learned and I kept at it…now my brain is more like a gushing fire hydrant, constantly noting opportunities for posts of all different types, whether it’s for my blog, videos, podcast or general social posts.

As a starting point, my advice is to start listening to the questions that people ask you about your business. Make a note of them in a Google Doc or in Evernote…or wherever it’s easy to create a central repository for your business.

List the questions and start writing the answers. You’ll be able to update the answers over time, thereby giving you fresh content. And by having this repository of information, you now have your baseline for blogs, social media posts and much more…the info can be used as FAQs on your website, as part of other collateral…and the list could go on.

So listen to the questions, Make a note of them. Start answering them. And this will become a fabulous baseline for your own marketing and content strategy.

#Networking #Listening #Questions #Marketing #ContentManagement #NetworkMe #NetworkingJean

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