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Naomi Klein and V. V. Ganeshananthan win Women’s Prize literary awards WSOC TV [Video]

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LONDON — (AP) — Author-activist Naomi Klein won the inaugural Women’s Prize for Nonfiction on Thursday with “Doppelganger,” a personal account of her plunge into the world of online misinformation.

Its sister award, the Women’s Prize for Fiction, went to U.S. writer V. V. Ganeshananthan for her novel “Brotherless Night,” about a family torn apart by Sri Lanka’s long civil war. Both come with 30,000 pounds ($38,000) in prize money.

Both winners referenced the conflict-clouded international situation, at a time when the arts world is grappling with divisions over the Israel-Hamas war and corporate sponsorship of the arts.

Klein, author of “No Logo” and “The Shock Doctrine,” delves into her experience being mistaken for Naomi Wolf, author of “The Beauty Myth” and more recently a promulgator of anti-vaxx ideas and other conspiracy theories. Part memoir and part reportage, “Doppelganger” — subtitled “A Trip into the Mirror World” — investigates how online life has distorted reality, and asks what might be …

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