Corporate Marketing

Meta Is Using Your Data To Train Their AI Models [Video]

Artificial Intelligence is the hot topic of the era. From supermarket aisles to tech conferences, everyone is talking about it.

If you’re like me, you’re often excited about AI advancements. But how far are you willing to go to contribute to it?

I know the title of this article sounds a bit clickbaity, but I’m sorry, it’s just the reality.

There’s no way to put it nicely: your public posts shared on Meta’s platforms, like Facebook and Instagram, are being used to train Meta’s AI models, and you can’t tell them to stop.

Why? Because you agreed to it when you created your account on these platforms. 

I know, I don’t usually read social media privacy policies either and didn’t know until recently that Meta could do this.

But What Kind Of Data Are They Collecting?

It’s not just me saying this. On Meta’s website, anyone can read:

“As we shared in September, we use publicly available online and …

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