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3 Steps to Building a Targeted Audience
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Master of Applied Management (Business Management) [Video]

Corporate Social Marketing

About the course

Graduates of this qualification are critical thinkers, effective problem solvers, future-focused and apply specialised management and leadership knowledge and capabilities to new situations within the field of business management. 

Management occupations are projected to grow rapidly over the next ten years leading to an increasing need for management professionals and there is also an increasing demand for those professionals to hold higher level qualifications. Applicants for these roles are therefore at a considerable advantage with a postgraduate qualification.

This qualification offers you three pathways: Coursework, Professional Project and Coursework, or Research Thesis. 

About the provider

Future Skills exists to cultivate the most empowered and employablegraduates. Our commitment to our students ensures each new day brings youcloser to your future, transforming knowledge into opportunity and yourambitions into a success story. Together, we will discover what your tomorrowholds.

Our international campus is centrally located at 350 Queen Street, Auckland. In addition …

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