A Worcester, Massachusetts man has become an unexpected social media star after his carry-on bag, packed with cans of Spam, caught the attention of TSA agents and millions of online viewers.”It’s all a case of Spam that I’m taking,” Joel Libed told TSA agents at the airport in Minnesota. “I’m so embarrassed.”His video has since been viewed over 5 million times. Libed had just visited the Spam museum in Minnesota, where he was gifted his favorite canned meat. On his way back home to Boston, TSA agents stopped him.”I got the Hawaii special edition in there. I got a Teriyaki,” Libed said.The TSA agents were unsure of what to make of the salty-jelled meats in his luggage. “So there’s an entire pack of Spam in my carry on and his look was like ‘Really? Why?’ I said there’s like other flavors,” Libed told them.By day, Libed works at Welly’s Restaurant …
Massachusetts man’s airport Spam incident with TSA goes viral [Video]