By Elizabeth Hunter
A young man who grew up in a network of prehistoric caves owned by his parents is now running them as a tourist attraction.
Oliver Bowerman, 26, spent his childhood playing in a series of underground caves known as the Stump Cross Caverns in the Yorkshire Dales.
The vast caves featuring stunning stalagmites and stalactites became his own personal playground.
His parents had bought them as a business opportunity when he was aged just five after seeing a newspaper advert.
Now university graduate Oliver has taken over the running the caves which were first discovered in 1860.
“I remember it vividly – I was five years old when they decided to buy the caverns,” said Oliver.
“They actually had no tourism experience at all – my mom was a pediatric nurse and my dad was a brewer.
“We lived in Northumberland, but they had family back in Yorkshire and wanted …