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Kayak-rental kiosk now available at West Bank Park [Video]

Corporate Social Marketing

GREAT FALLS — As the summer heat approaches, residents of and visitors to Great Falls have an exciting new way to enjoy the water, thanks to an innovative venture by Treasure State Outdoors.

This new initiative offers kayaks for rent, right along the Missouri River at West Bank Park.


Kayak-rental kiosk now available at West Bank Park

Steve Herrig, Director of Great Falls Park and Recreation, highlights the benefits: “The benefit is purely folks getting out and enjoying themselves in the city.”

Jason Laird, owner of the Treasure State Outdoors, views this as a community investment: “We saw the need, we saw the want for it, and we were in a position to step up and invest in something like this to make it happen.”

The idea of providing easy access to the river has long been discussed among community members. Herrig notes, “Comments have always been made to have something like this on the river so people …

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