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Katie Allen ready for new role on Columbia County Board of Education [Video]

Corporate Social Marketing

COLUMBIA COUNTY, Ga. (WJBF) – The Columbia County School Board is getting a new member.

Katie Allen beat incumbent candidate Lee Ann Meyer for the District 4 seat with almost 53% of the votes in Tuesday’s primary election.

As a mother whose kids are students in the district, Allen said she knows firsthand what’s going on in the county’s schools – and is ready to take on the role of making them better.

She holds multiple college degrees in subjects like business management and law. Paired with her military experience, she thinks this will make her an asset on the board.

She’ll be taking over for Lee Ann Meyer, who held the District 4 seat for eight years.

“I think it’s just part of the natural progression,” Allen said. “We’re grateful to those who have served the community before us, but we’re ready to kind of step up and try to fill their shoes and …

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