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Inspiring Enterprise Conference Highlights – Production Attic Event Coverage / Corporate Video

Corporate Business Marketing


Inspiring Enterprise Conference Highlights



Education & Public Sector

Corporate Video / Testimonial

Footage and interviews from a two day event put on by the RBS Group Sustainability Team. The audience should take away an understanding of what Inspiring Enterprise is, specifically the grant funding, and understanding of the positive impact that Inspiring Enterprise grant funding is having on the enterprise sector in the UK and that RBS are core to enterprise support in the UK.

RBS were also keen that the film should give an understanding of what the Inspiring enterprise Network is, of the benefits of being part in the Inspiriting Enterprise Network and encourage others who are not members to join/submit application.

We used a camera crane to capture cinematic shots of the event to give an impression of the scale and importance of the event.

Let’s demystify the process of video production. We estimate this example to cost around £7-8k …

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