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How to Successfully Run a Business in Nigeria Wole Ogundare, Carthena Advisory CEO [Video]

Corporate Social Marketing

Successful business management requires more than obtaining finance. In this interview with, Wole Ogundare, Managing Partner and CEO of Carthena Advisory, discusses essential things to consider as business owners or prospective business owners.

Every organisation hopes to make sustainable margins in the long run. Beyond this, Carthena Advisory, a financial and management firm based in Lagos and the UK, wants its clients and their businesses to achieve and exceed their growth potential.

Wole Ogundare, CEO of Carthena Advisory, speaks on running businesses in Nigeria. Photo Credit: Delmaine DonsonSource: Getty Images

The financial services company, which operates at a process and people level, offers services such as strategy implementation, forensic audit, financial planning, and transaction advisory, which include business plans and feasibility studies. In addition, it commits to helping the public sector work better by facilitating the improvement of proper governance.

Wole Ogundare told

β€œWhen it comes to simple administrative stand, data availability, maintaining …

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