Corporate Marketing Strategy

How to Create Hilarious Video Content

Everybody loves to laugh. Even people who claim that they don’t like “comedy” still love to laugh—it’s just the framework of the genre that they dislike. And framework, or context, is everything. Because as much as people love to laugh, exactly what they’re laughing at can vary wildly depending on a number of factors: age, upbringing, and cultural background, just to name a few. There’s a reason that comedic films almost never become giant international hits – humor rarely translates well across borders because the context of each country is so specific, and the nature of language so complex, that the jokes just don’t travel.

But even with all this in mind, comedy is still one of the most powerful tools you have access to as a content marketer. During a Content Marketing World talk, Tim Washer (who has written for multiple late night talk shows and worked as a “corporate humorist” with international clients like Google, …

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