How to Market to Expensive Keywords
How to Market to Expensive Keywords
5 Steps to Creating Successful Ads

Hire K D Adamson | Speaker Agent [Video]

Corporate Marketing Strategy

An experienced futurist and expert in digitalisation, Adamson provides an innovative and unique perspective on various subject matters such as the impact of global megatrends, breakthrough technologies and the new generation.  During her vast career, Adamson has developed knowledge and skills on a broad range of subjects. Initially, she began her career in advertising, working for the London agency McCann Erickson, where she had the opportunity to work on the Coca-Cola account.

Her impressive resume also includes, Commissioning/Business Planning at International satellite network operator Inmarsat, Marketing Manager at Centaur Media Plc, Head of Marketing at Business support, information and advice company Business Link before becoming Director of Adamwell International Ltd and Stark Moore Macmillan Ltd.

Now the CEO of Futurenautics and member of The Futures Agency, Adamson shares her knowledge and skill set to others via consultation services and global events that include small functions, senior groups, customer councils, leadership and innovation summits and corporate conferences. With a …

5 Steps to Building an Audience with #Hashtags
5 Steps to Building an Audience with #Hashtags
12 Steps to Create Videos