Corporate Business Marketing

Episode 215- 6 Ways to Get Positioned in the Market as an Expert & Go From Invisible to Influential [Video]

Episode 215- 6 Ways to Get Positioned in the Market as an Expert & Go From Invisible to Influential

Ann Carden introduces the concept of the buyer’s journey and its importance in marketing and sales. She discusses techniques for building credibility through trust and expert positioning, including authoring a book and engaging in public speaking. Ann explores the impact of media features and podcasting as tools for establishing authority. She also covers the benefits of virtual events for audience engagement and shares strategies for crafting influential content. The episode wraps up with a summary, a call to action, and an invitation to an upcoming webinar.

*Writing a relevant expert book can significantly boost your credibility and attract higher-paying clients.
*Speaking engagements, whether virtual or in-person, establish you as an authority and can lead to premium client acquisitions.
*Consistent, impactful content that showcases your unique insights can effectively move potential clients down the buyer’s journey and enhance your market visibility.

Ann Carden is a highly sought-after Expert Business Growth Consultant, Marketing Strategist, three-time published author, and a #1 Bestselling Author and Professional Speaker for small businesses and entrepreneurs.

With more than forty-one years of business experience and coaching and consulting hundreds of coaches, entrepreneurs, and owners in more than forty different industries to more success, Ann knows what it takes to succeed in all areas of business.

After spending thirteen years in corporate business management, Ann started her journey as an entrepreneur, building businesses for herself for twenty-nine years. Her first business started out of financial hardship, and Ann was able to propel that business into the international market (before the Internet).

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Ann Carden is considered a TOP Strategic Business Growth Coach who specializes in helping coaches, consultants, and professional entrepreneurs who are excellent at what they do, scale their businesses with a premium business model.
Build an expert consulting, coaching, or professional service business to multiple-six and seven-figures, with high-ticket, high-caliber clients. Her Expert In You Process is the fast-track process for success.

Ann has more than forty years of experience in business, marketing, and sales, with over thirty years as an entrepreneur and business owner. She has founded six successful businesses and has sold five of them.

She has coached and consulted hundreds of consultants, coaches, and entrepreneurs to build higher business success. She is a 3x Author & #1 International Bestselling Author, Speaker, and Podcast Host. Her books can be found on Amazon.


Ann shows entrepreneurs how to be seen as a top expert in their industry and field to attract and close higher-value clients and grow a business that allows them more freedom from their business to enjoy life more.

This channel will help you improve your business strategy to build a six to seven-figure and beyond coaching or consulting business. Ann shares how to package, market, and sell high-value services and products that help you reach your revenue and income goals. We cover online and social media marketing to attract high-value clients, marketing strategy and attraction marketing, how to increase and close more sales, speaking, media promotion and exposure, podcasting, and building and managing a team to scale.

Learn more at her website @
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If you need help growing your existing business and are ready to invest in getting the help you need, you can book a strategy call @

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