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Episode 18 – Career advice from the best in the business | Climb In Consulting [Video]

Corporate Marketing Strategy

Episode 18 – Career advice from the best in the business | Climb In Consulting

Since starting the podcast I’ve interviewed a whole host of phenomenal leaders from the Consulting industry who’ve shared some of their best advice across a range of areas critical to climbing in Consulting.

One question I ask almost all of my guests is their advice for those people looking to build a career in the industry. A number of you have told me how useful you’ve found the answers to this specific question so I wanted to put all of the answer together so that you have a compilation of career advice from the best in the business.

As a recap, or for those of you who may not have listened to any of my other interviews before, the question that these guests are answering asks for one piece of advice for three different people:

The first is someone who’s just starting their career in Consulting – anywhere from 0 to 2 years in.

The second is for someone ‘in the middle’ of their Consulting career – 4 – 6 years in to Consulting.

The third is for someone who’s approaching Partner or considering going out on their own to create their own business.

There are so many great pieces of advice in this episode and some really interesting common themes and principles that have helped my guests get to the top.

As Tony Robbins says “success leaves clues”. Here’s you’re chance to find them.

Guests in this episode:

To save you having to hear my voice over and over I don’t introduce each individual guest during this episode. If you found a certain piece of advice really useful and want to hear who said it then have a look at the list and timestamps below!

00:02:38 – Simon Dennis – Founding Partner – Gate One

00:07:25 – Stephen Newton – Founding Partner – Elixirr

00:11:57 – Suki Thompson – Founder and CEO – The OysterCatchers

00:13:46 – Olly Purnell and Sharon Rice-Oxley – Founding Partners – Q5

00:18:27 – Dom Moorhouse – Founder of Moorhouse Consulting

00:20:17 – Mohamed Mansour – Founding Partner – Baringa Partners

00:22:07 – Joanna Hall – Independent Non-Executive Director

00:30:28 – Simon Walker and Tim Smeaton – Founders – Kubrick

00:33:24 – Minesh Jobanputra – Founding Partner – Deltra Group

00:34:51 – Adrian Bettridge – Managing Partner – Baringa Partners

00:37:50 – Bronek Masojada – CEO – Hiscox

Episode link:

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