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Episode 07 Online Advertising PPC and Display Ads [Video]

Corporate Marketing Campaigns

Episode 07 Online Advertising PPC and Display Ads

Welcome to the latest episode of the Digital Marketing podcast! Today we’re going to talk about the world of online advertising, specifically PPC (pay-per-click) and display ads.

Let’s start with PPC advertising. This is a form of online advertising where the advertiser pays a fee each time their ad is clicked. The most well-known form of PPC advertising is Google AdWords, which allows businesses to create and run ads on Google search result pages and other websites that are part of the Google Display Network.

One of the benefits of PPC advertising is that it’s highly targeted. Advertisers can choose specific keywords that they want their ads to appear for, as well as specify certain demographics and interests. This means that the people who see the ads are more likely to be interested in the products or services being advertised.

Another benefit of PPC is that it’s measurable. Advertisers can track the number of clicks their ads receive, as well as the conversion rate (how many of those clicks turn into actual sales or leads). This allows them to determine the effectiveness of their campaigns and make adjustments as needed.

Now let’s move on to display advertising. This is a type of online advertising that uses banner ads, video ads, and other forms of creative to promote products or services. These ads are typically served through ad networks, which place the ads on websites that are part of their network.

One of the main benefits of display advertising is the ability to reach a large audience. Because the ads are served on a wide range of websites, they have the potential to be seen by a large number of people.

Another benefit of display advertising is the ability to target specific audiences. Advertisers can use data such as demographics, interests, and browsing history to serve ads to specific groups of people.

While both PPC and display advertising can be effective in driving traffic and sales, it’s important to choose the right strategy for your business. PPC can be a good choice for businesses that want to drive targeted traffic to their website, while display advertising can be a good choice for businesses that want to build brand awareness and reach a larger audience.

That’s it for today’s episode on PPC and display advertising. Thanks for tuning in! and don’t forget to tune in tomorrow for our next episode on “Website Design for Digital Marketing”

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