Corporate Marketing Campaigns

Employees get to connect with new job opportunities [Video]

RAPID CITY, S.D. (KEVN) – Finding a job can be a difficult venture, to ease this burden for both employers and potential employees, Hire the Hills is connecting these two groups.

Hire the Hills was hosted by the Department of Labor and Regulation on June 26. The goal of this free event was to help job seekers get to know various career choices and for the businesses attending to build brand awareness and find qualified candidates for their companies.

“I like the size is intimate and small and it gives, probably, more opportunity for each individual participant, be it an employer or someone seeking employment, it gives them a little bit more opportunity to take more time, ask more questions, and drill down a little bit on where their values are and what might be a good fit,” Kristi Weber, co-owner of Forever Lawn, said.

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