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Don’t Make This Mistake During Open Enrollment | Opinion [Video]

Corporate Marketing Campaigns

Over the next few weeks, as millions of Americans go through the “open enrollment” period for health care, Big Insurance is preparing a tens-of-millions-of-dollars marketing campaign to mislead, misinform, and misdirect patients in the grossly misnamed private insurance plans called Medicare Advantage, all in an effort to avoid the blame for the upcoming price increases and cuts to care caused by their corporate greed.

We’ll see Big Insurance and their allies in Congress blame the Biden administration, hospitals, technology, middlemen—literally anyone and anything—to avoid having to be straight with the American people about the upcoming price increases.

Here is the truth: At a time when these companies are looking to increase premiums and decrease care, they are swimming in record profits, and their corporate executives and shareholders are reaping massive paydays.

Advocates hold signs during a news conference on Medicare Advantage plans in front of the Capitol on July 25, in Washington, DC. Joined by Medicare advocates, Congressional Democrats …

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