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Dont Be Spooked: How to Respond to Customer Complaints on Social Media [Video]

October may be the time for spooky movies and Halloween costumes, but it doesn’t have to be the month of terror when it comes to responding to customer complaints on social media. The growing role that social media channels play in our lives means it’s become a natural way for customers to connect with, and contact, companies. Especially when there is an issue with a  product or service. So, how you (or your business’s social media page) respond to customer complaints on social media can make or break your online reputation

When done right, interactions with complaints on social media are the perfect place to show your customers how much you care about them. Initially, negative comments can instead transform into positive interactions when you keep these tips and guidelines in mind.

Listen & Follow-Up

Good or bad, this customer has taken time out of their day to speak to you. It’s important to show that you are hearing them out. It’s …

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