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‘Child-Free’ Millennial Makes Eye-Opening Point About Who Her ‘Family’ Is [Video]

A millennial woman has called out society’s “double standard” when it comes to families who have children and those who don’t.

TikTok user Kristen, 29, posted a video on social media (@oldsoulentries on TikTok and Instagram) in which she questioned why couples who don’t have children aren’t always considered a family. She said that couples choosing to spend time together with their children are praised, but when those who don’t have kids spend time together alone, it is criticized.

Kristen and her husband, who have been together for 10 years and married for two, don’t have children, but she considers him to be her family. She told Newsweek that many people associate the idea of a family as relatives or a couple with children. However, she said that family isn’t “just about blood or tradition,” but rather, love and connection.

“As I’ve entered a stage of life where many people my age …

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