Corporate Identity

BITCI unveils 1st cohort of signatories to its collective climate action campaign [Video]

Business in the Community Ireland (BITCI) has unveiled the first cohort of signatories to its recently launched collective campaign, Accelerate: The Business Pact for Climate and Nature.

The initiative urges prompt business action to address the interconnected climate and nature crises by calling on members of the BITCI network to set a Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi) approved net-zero by 2050 target by 2030, if not earlier, and to develop a robust and credible Climate Transition Plan to guide and track implementation.

 A Climate Transition Plan is a whole business strategy for crossing the bridge between ambition and action.

It articulates how a given business will transition its activities to align with a 1.5°C and nature-positive pathway and pivot its business model to operate in a net-zero carbon economy.

Tomas Sercovich, BITCI CEO said: “We’ve had an unseasonably warm Winter so far with November 30th this year topping 16°C in Dublin.

“2024 will be the hottest year ever …

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