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Animator James Curran on self-initiated projects, hard work and the power of Gifathons [Video]

In fact, the London-based creative believes self-initiated work isn’t just great for building brand awareness; it’s also a fantastic way to keep your career fun and interesting, as well as develop new skills.

You’ll no doubt have seen his latest fun project, Tokyo Gifathon, where James unbelievably animated a new gif every day for 30 days. With clients including Disney XD, Virgin Media and Lucozade, we were keen to speak to James about his work, life and much more.

How on earth did you achieve the Gif Marathon in April? It was spectacular

It was my third Gifathon after doing 30 days each in New York and Los Angeles over the past couple of years, so I knew I could do it, but still, the day before I started the project I had no idea how I’d do it again.

It’s not until I actually start and get into a rhythm/routine of animating every day that it seems possible. Having …

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