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Addressing teacher burnout and student behavioral issues NBC Connecticut [Video]

The school year is off to a rocky start in many districts across the state.

The Connecticut Education Association (CEA) said teacher burnout and an increase in student behavioral issues are just some of the challenges they are facing.

The chaos in Bridgeport schools is just one of the things that teachers are talking about.

There’s a list of issues schools have been dealing with this year, including things like what feels like a constant stream of social media threats.

CEA President Kate Dias shares some of the solutions they’re proposing, as well as some of the bright spots that have emerged.

Mike Hydeck: First, let’s start with what we saw in Bridgeport, CEA members protesting. What’s their biggest concern there?

Kate Dias: Honestly, it’s about transparency and communication and fundamentally, leadership of the district. There were far too many zigs and zags at the start of the school year, creating a lot of instability …

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