Bollywood actor Ranbir Kapoor rang in the New Year with his wife, actor Alia Bhatt, and their daughter, Raha Kapoor. They were accompanied by the Kapoor clan and close friends, including Ayan Mukerji, Alia Bhatt’s sister Shaheen Bhatt, Neetu Kapoor, and Soni Razdan.
Alia Bhatt and Neetu Kapoor took to social media to share candid pictures and videos from their weekend getaway.
On Tuesday, Ranbir Kapoor gave a pleasant surprise to his fans and followers. He was spotted in his swanky, luxurious car—a Mercedes-Benz AMG SL55 4Matic. The actor’s driver was at the wheel while Ranbir sat in the passenger seat. He waved at the paparazzi.
Ranbir looked dapper in a casual outfit. His clean-shaven look for his recent film and sleek jawline caught everyone’s attention.
About car and pricing
Ranbir Kapoor’s brand-new Mercedes-Benz AMG SL55 4Matic in red costs ₹3 crore. The car was registered on December 27, and on January 7, the …