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Education and development – St George’s University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust [Video]

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St George’s University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust is fully committed to investing in the knowledge and skills of its employees and supporting lifelong learning for all staff.

We want everyone who works for us to reach their full potential by developing skills through a wide range of career progression and professional development opportunities.

We provide a broad range of learning and development opportunities and accommodate different learning styles allowing for maximum flexibility.

Learning opportunities are both formal and informal including; induction, mandatory refresher training, leadership and management programmes, e-learning, simulation, and work based learning.

Work based learning is at the heart of CPD and includes; coaching on the job, mentoring, job rotation and job shadowing, action learning sets, and work based projects.

As an Education and Development Service we:

  • Promote the value of learning and development in the workplace and the delivery of Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
  • Support all staff to carry out an annual PDR (Performance …
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