7 Invisible Obstacles to Digital Marketing Success
7 Invisible Obstacles to Digital Marketing Success
5 Steps to Creating Successful Ads

What is Content Marketing? [Definition + Examples] [Video]

Corporate Marketing

Learn how to drive traffic, leads, and sales โ€” with content marketing

Since search engines have made a wealth of information available with the click of a mouse, there has been a shift in the way buyers research and purchase products and services. Not only are buyers researching their purchases online, but theyโ€™re tired of traditional outbound marketing avenues that are interruptive of their day-to-day life, such as paid ads, billboards, and cold calls.

In fact, roughly 50% use ad-blocking technology to ignore your messaging in the first place, and 80% of buyers prefer to weigh their options themselves instead of speaking with a sales team during the awareness stages of the buyerโ€™s journey.

What are you supposed to do when most of your buyers go to great lengths to ignore you and prefer to make educated purchase decisions on their own?

Enter content marketing, which is now one of the most effective ways to establish your business as the premier voice in your industry …

3 Steps to Building a Targeted Audience
3 Steps to Building a Targeted Audience
12 Steps to Create Videos