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Food Bank of Eastern Oklahoma unveils expansion [Video]

Corporate Marketing

Nearly 1 in four children don’t get enough to eat in Oklahoma.

A new expansion at the Food Bank of Eastern Oklahoma is working to change that.

The Food Bank pulled back the curtain on its new facility on Friday revealing it has nearly doubled in size.

The new space is a result of the “Building Hope” campaign which showcases logistics and increased space, the ability to distribute 50 million meals annually and a new volunteer center.

“We added a new state-of-the-art kitchen. I’m calling it the Lamborghini of kitchens. It has the capacity to do 15,000 meals a day and a brand new volunteer center that we’ve doubled in capacity of how many volunteers we can take in at one time. We can host groups of over 150 at a time every day,” said CEO, Jeff Marlow.

Currently, the food bank is pushing out about 30 million meals annually, …

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