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How To Print Money – The Power Of Email Marketing – Listbuilding [Video]

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How To Print Money – The Power Of Email Marketing – Listbuilding

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In this video, I’m going to share how I made almost $4,000 by simply sending out some emails. The process is quite straightforward, and it begins with having an email list. I’ve been cultivating my email list for many years, but a large list isn’t necessary to start. The key is to commence building your list now.

Last month, I sent out a few emails. The first time, I was promoting an affiliate product, a digital course created by someone I respect. I sent two emails to my list, and within two days, those emails generated $1,700 in commissions from this single promotion.

This experience was quite enlightening for me because I don’t usually promote affiliate products. It made me realize the potential of sending out just a couple of emails weekly, which could easily bring in $1,700 to $2,000. It felt almost like printing money.

The second instance was this week when I promoted a product I launched in January. Normally, after the initial launch flurry, we don’t revisit the product, but I decided to promote it again to my list. This time, I sent out three emails across three days, which led to $2,200 in sales from a product I’d already launched. This was a revelation to me, highlighting the value of the email list I had at my disposal.

This has made me realize the immense asset I possess in my email list, which I can leverage to offer my products or affiliate products, ideally mine since the profits are higher.

Now, you might be wondering how to build such an email list. There are numerous ways to do this, and I plan to cover many of them. The essence of any successful business is to have building an email list at its core. It gives you the power to generate income on demand, essentially allowing you to “print money.”

One of the most effective methods I’ve found for list building is through YouTube, but not in the way most people use it. It requires a very marketing-focused approach, which is different from the entertainment angle most YouTubers take.

Most YouTubers don’t fully grasp direct marketing or the importance of an email list, which means they’re potentially missing out on a lot of income. I believe almost every YouTuber could be making ten times more if they knew the right strategies.

I have a course that delves into this topic, offering 20 leverage hacks for YouTube that can rapidly build an email list. Then, you can start promoting products, be they your own creations or affiliate products, to earn commissions.

If you’re intrigued by the prospect of building a profitable email list and want to learn more about these strategies, I encourage you to subscribe to my free newsletter. It’s packed with all my latest videos and strategies, ensuring you don’t miss out on valuable insights for growing your online business.

#EmailMarketing #DigitalIncome #AffiliateMarketing #OnlineBusiness #PassiveIncome #ListBuilding #YouTubeMarketing #directmarketing


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